Scorekeeping Website

As the players get ready to go on the holiday break, we have a few tasks for them to complete. For those of you who have not played club before, at tournaments teams are always either playing, resting, or reffing. Reffing requires focus and active participation from the entire team. We strive to be a great refereeing team in hopes that other teams will do the same for us. Players will be line judges, second referees, official book keepers, libero trackers, and in charge of maintaining a score board. The official book keepers and second referees need to be certified (approved by a head official) by a certain date. Each team must have one certified player in the book and as a second referee.  Therefore, not all the players will be in charge of these jobs since they are a bit challenging.

In order to teach them about the different tasks we are asking that they explore a website provided by the OVR. This site has links to different videos and training tools for the different tasks of reffing. Please have your players look through the different videos.  Also, before the first tournaments, we often hold scrimmages and have teams take turns practicing the reffing positions.  We realize the older players are already familiar with reffing but please still take some time to refresh yourselves with the videos.

If you have any immediate questions about reffing, please direct them to your coach. 

Thank you!