USAV Registration Procedure

Be sure to checkout our Tryouts page.

USAV Registration is required for all players and coaches for tryouts. This is done at

It is important to remember that every player & coach must be registered to participate in our tryouts. This MUST be done before tryouts, even if you signed a contract with us last year. A credit card is required.

The tryout fee for each club is in addition to the USAV membership fee.

For example:

Suzy goes online, and she will choose between a complete membership for the season or a tryout membership. (If she chooses the full membership, then her registration will be complete. If she chooses the tryout membership, when she makes a club team, she will have to go back and upgrade to the full membership).

She will be required to pay online via credit card for the membership.

She will be required to print out a copy of the Membership Card/Paper, which she will bring to each tryout she attends.

Suzy decides to attend three different tryouts.

Club one's tryout fee is $25.00 (This is in addition to the USAV tryout membership fee).

Club two's tryout fee is $15.00 (This is in addition to the USAV tryout membership fee).

Club three's tryout fee is $20.00 (This is in addition to the USAV tryout membership fee).

At each tryout Suzy will be required to show proof of USAV Membership and complete a medical form.

After tryouts are complete, Suzy decides to choose Club two for the season.

If Suzy chose the tryout membership, she will need to upgrade her USAV membership and choose the club she is signing with.

If Suzy chose the full membership, she will just need to choose the club she is signing with. Once that is complete, she will need to notify her club director.

We recommend that she print 3 (three) copies of her membership card: One for the club, one for the coach, and one for herself to carry.